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Ronnie Lee Johnson


A word for literally centuries that no one can completely and confidently and collectively describe; people have made a stab at it, but always feel inefficient.  That word is ‘love.’

After a legacy of providing clients’s estate and financial planning strategies and workable plans, I now realize as never before how much ‘love’ plays such an invaluable role in the entire planning process.  

Love!  I know.  Sounds a bit out-of-place.  Kind of mushy huh?  Or, too lovey-dovey.  

I am totally convinced that where genuine love pervades in relationships there’s going to be success, deep considerations and lots of fun and wholesomeness between both parties.

As a former ordained minister I have conducted a number of weddings and funerals for my clients; and it has always been a privilege.

Therefore I feel deeply that my clients are more than just financial and retirement statements and future presumptuous calculations. They are people, people with dreams and hopes and goals.  People who in fact, need to be loved and appreciated.

They have many family concerns.  In some cases from special needs children to imposing demands where they work each day; from challenging bills to pay to rigorous schedules they must meet.  They need in my sincere opinion of all things, a warm feeling of togetherness and special attachment to their professional advisors.

In the world of insurance companies I feel like my clients sometimes think they are just a number in the financial configuration of economics.  This is precisely why I’m convinced compassion is the needed ingredient at times when I’m helping clients plan for their retirement and long-term planning strategies.

Big companies and big dollars is what many clients see, and they have reason to be concerned.  ‘U.S. insurance companies reported total cash and invested assets, including affiliated and unaffiliated investments, of $8.5 trillion at year-end 2023’ (

As I often say, “That’s a lot of Big Macs, fries, pop and an apple pie.”  Laypeople have no idea of just how much money exists in these behemoth companies.  But they should not become, or feel that they are just ‘a number.’

I think many of us feel that the financial moguls and enormous companies are simply too overwhelming.  And this is why I’m convinced clients need a genuine love and respect and intimate encouragement today as never before.  Their life savings is at stake, no matter what size a company is, or even how well known they are in this country.

Even mega insurance and investment companies have their own fear in our world today.  ‘52% of insurers ranked economic slowdown/recession in the US as one of their top 3 greatest economic fears as it relates to their investment portfolios, while 48% cited concerns with credit and equity market volatility and 46% cited geopolitical tensions’ (https://

I have laughed with my clients over the decades, cried with them in their sorrows; prayed with them and their prayerful requests and visited them in hospitals and other kinds of care facilities. 

I know what real love for people can accomplish.   

My favorite American to quote is that ineffable Mark Twain who once said, “If you want love and abundance in your life, give it away.”

My message to every financial advisor and heads of insurance and investment companies is very simply, ‘Give it away’……and you know what I mean.




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