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Ronnie Lee Johnson


In the eons and eons of time and space prior to the creation of humanity there was that quietness and mystery of the Godhead, but He was king…even then.

Then came creation.  An earth, a universe, a world without end. 

But He was king, again, even then.

The masterful and miraculous Maker did His thing.  The council of Almighty decided together to breathe life into earthlings.  From a garden to the reality of life as never before human creatures became the managers and governors of land and people and places across the earth —-but He, He was King.

Battles soared over the mountain summits and darkened valleys; the world became acquainted with wicked wars, floods and storms.  The ancients built their marvelous castles and tribal villages as more and more of the earth was developed.  An insane amount of bloodshed stain the shadows of history and time.  But even still, He was there before the creation and after the creation, and was and is King.

As decades and centuries enveloped the biblical historical waves of kings and prophets and scribes and kingdoms that Light was there ever so present.  And the landscape of His motif there as well; set in order cascading down those prophecies of His coming.  What wonder actually!  Where is He?  When will He appear?  The naysayers never gave in… didn’t matter.  For He was King.

Finally after everything seemed to be tabled in an Old Testament legacy of law and order, a baby arrived in Bethlehem.  Upon these pastoral hills and plains wise men and a myriad of King-seekers shared this ecstasy— that a new day was coming, finally for all peoples throughout the world.  Though baleful souls dreaded His arrival and even sought to obliterate Him from the earth—the King arrived.

Amazing how kings and rulers planned His fall, prayed for His demise and derided His followers.  They scoffed at His miracles and questioned His legitimacy—but He was King.

As He graced the stage of humanity, of the hurting, sick and suffering people, He brought hope to the hopeless, smiles to the sorrowful and love to those forgotten and alone. 

Across those Judea hills a once local carpenter boy suddenly found Himself surrounded by multitudes of hungry hearts seeking His healing hands and merciful messages.  Even the blind had hope of healing.  The lepers finally saw a glimpse of wellness. Yet in the background were the crowds of malicious religious zealots and angry enemies multiplied with vengeful feelings and hatred attitudes for this Nazarene—-but He was King.

As His ministry expanded and His fame burgeoned throughout the known world—so His vehement opposition swelled.  It was like a horrific curse was placed upon this loving man and a portend of grief to follow.  He was hated beyond hate by so many, and yet loved and adored and even worshiped by so many others.  In just three years of ministry a message to His world, and the world to come was set in order for all eternity.  Hated, yes!  Loved, yes!  But He was King.

Strangely enough He was a total misfit in His day.  Completely disregarded by many, labeled a drunk, a product of the Devil and a ‘crazy’ ignoring the most sacred traditions and observances of Moses and his divine laws—-but He was King.

The Christ was like a severe toothache to His hardcore and one-sided enemies.  He was a revolutionary they detested.  His teachings were sickening and His miraculous healings were a mere fake in the minds of the religious aristocracy.  But He was king.

His own family at times felt like He was a loose cannon.  His close disciples even questioned Him after they saw firsthand His mighty miracles and never-before-seen extraordinary works.  They deserted the Lord in the end as his imminent death approached.  And yet, no!  Must say it this way.  But He was King.The ancient world where God chose to reveal His Son (God) as a human being was unquestionably the biggest, most elephantine shock that people would ever experience in any generation.  Even today this King is ignored, rejected, denied and considered nothing more than a buffoon in history.  All this rejection right?  But He was and remains King. 

M-m-m-m-m-m-m!In the final chapter that His magnificent ministry closed, His life was indeed a gift from heaven.  And though His astounding ministry, teachings, miracles, and amazing presence were evident by thousands of witnesses; He was still slaughtered like a lamb before His adversaries.  A King treated as nothing.  But…He was indeed a King—the King of all Kings.

The dramatic irony of this Jesus preacher, teacher, healer, minister, and mesmerizing character was clearly stated throughout His Bible—He was obviously factual, not boastful.  He, both the Father and Christ, saw face to face His creative people and their human behavior.  But He was __________.

He avowed, “I am the way, the truth and the life”….”I am the Bread of life”…”I am the Light of the world”…”I am the Door”…”I am the good Shepherd”…”I am the Resurrection and the Life”…”I am the Vine”…”I am the First and the Last”…”I, the LORD, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

”He simply told the world who He was.  Unacceptable? Yes, by throngs of people.  Rejected?  Yes, by throngs of people.  Touched?  Yes, by multitudes of believers.  Killed?  Yes, but He was King.

Now His lingering powerful, majestic name hangs like a curtain draped over the globe itself.  Wherever one travels this earth, whatever city or country village, or hidden landscapes out there in rural, even jungle lands, He, His cross, His chapels or gigantic structures are there with the spiraling steeples signifying and honoring His Kingship and sui generis existence.

Cry as loud as you will against this Jewish Carpenter.  Criticize Him, hate Him, curse Him, try to silence Him or deny Him; this is your rightful choice.  But He was King.

A living being.  A shining Light.  A marvel beyond all marvels.  No person has ever affected history and beyond when it comes to this austere and beautiful soul.  Rid Him anyway if you like.  It won’t work.  He is the effervescence of life and the brightness of heaven itself.  You can’t scrub away His stunning stain of love and compassion.  Run from Him if you will. Turn your back upon Him. 

But He is still King. 

….always will be—-FOREVER!


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