There is a story in history about a man and his only son. The man was religious and loved his son dearly as well.
One day he and his son went to worship outdoors. They carried supplies to make a special offering to God.
The only problem was once they reached the place to worship, they did not have an offering to give to God.
The son asked his dad where the offering was to give to God. The dad explained to his son that ‘God will provide’ the offering.
In this ancient world religious people offered live animal sacrifices to God seeking His divine adoration and appeasement for their sins and misdeeds.
The man actually decided that his son would have to be the offering as gruesome as that may sound. However, before he offered up his only son, God asked him not to give him such a special and valuable offering.
To the dad’s surprise and amazement a ram was trapped with its horns in some bushes. So this man realized that this animal was the actual offering God provided for worship.
The story sounds very archaic, of course, and like a fairy tale almost. However, this really occurred. This dramatic event happened centuries ago.
Deep down inside this father’s heart I’m convinced that he knew God would provide the offering that he would sacrifice to his great God and King.
The obvious motif of this story is the unquestionable assurance and blazing truth that ‘God will provide;’ He will indeed.
Almighty already prepared for this wild animal to be stuck in a close-by bush. This was no accident. Not even a strange occurrence. God simply does not work the way we do as humans. He is capable of orchestrating any kind of miracle anytime, anywhere or at any given moment.
The man must have scratched his head and exclaimed, “Can you believe that? Of all times and all places on the face of this earth, God plants a random ram caught by its horns in a deathly thicket.”
While the dad had been crafting an alter to make a sacrifice to his awesome Creator, that same incomparable Creator was allowing the ram to be tied up in His masterful and natural ram-catcher. What a portrait of us earthlings! We become so engrossed with our religious duties, we oftentimes forget Who is waiting on us with His own gifts of love and kindnesses.
The dad was right though. After all, he believed that ’God would and will provide.’
Guess what? He did.
How many times throughout your own life has the Lord above provided for you. Just when you thought you were done for, your heavenly Father somehow, someway came through for you.
We get so enmeshed with ourselves, our work and even our religious ideas and thoughts somehow drowned out God’s faithful provisions—yet He is always there, always comes through.
I have to ask myself sometimes, “Lord, I know you’re there for me, but where is that mysterious and magical ram nearby?”
Remember, he told his son, “God will provide.”
…and He will. For you, too.